Thank You India

My older brother is one of the only people I know who is still succeeding in this market. And I’m really happy for him. Really, I am. Partly because his company is still hiring! Yes, you didn’t read that wrong, I did say hiring. I figure that tons of lawyers get their first big break from exploiting family connections to get a job-why shouldn’t I exploit my brother’s position at his company to get a job, too? And you know what-it worked! I’m not doing anything glamorous. It’s only a temp position that will get me by while I look for a job, but it’s really nice to have access to a paycheck during the job hunt. And I can work from home. Which is AMAZING. I don’t even care how mind numbingly boring the work is-because I can do it while I catch up on all my favorite TV shows. 

So, thank you brother for interceding at your office and stopping the outsourcing of this particular job to India. Now I don’t have to call one of those signs posted at every corner where you can “work from home and earn $200,000”.


  1. he’s succeeding at work. still poor at laundry. 😉

    • Separating darks and whites-so difficult. But I’m thinking it’s more of a motivation problem.

  2. I am glad you found a temp job that won’t drive you to suicide/homicide, but I am mad at you for the title of this post, as that song is now stuck in my head and is likely to remain so for the rest of the day. Thanks a LOT.

    • Isn’t it Ironic? Don’t you think?

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